Top Gold Mining Districts in Nova Scotia

There are 65 declared gold districts in Nova Scotia. There were around 350 mines worked in these districts. Here is a list by top gold production ounces in each gold district in Nova Scotia.
Region | District | Production Start | Production Finish | Production | Comment |
Yarmouth | Chegoggin | 1883 | not available | ca. 1883 | |
Stormont | Goldenville (Sherbrooke) | 1862 | 1941 | 209383.30 | |
Eastern Shore | Caribou | 1869 | 1968 | 91335.80 | |
Central | Oldham | 1862 | 1946 | 85177.50 | |
Central | Waverley | 1862 | 1940 | 72566.60 | |
Central | Montague | 1863 | 1940 | 65196.90 | |
Stormont | Upper Seal Harbour | 1893 | 1958 | 57845.70 | |
Central | Renfrew | 1862 | 1958 | 51595.50 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Brookfield | 1887 | 1936 | 43147.50 | |
Stormont | Wine Harbour | 1862 | 1939 | 42346.50 | |
Eastern Shore | Salmon River (Darrs Hill) | 1881 | 1939 | 41805.40 | |
Stormont | Isaacs Harbour | 1862 | 1958 | 39694.30 | |
Stormont | Lower Seal Harbour | 1894 | 1949 | 34188.20 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Molega (Malaga) | 1888 | 1950 | 33460.20 | |
Central | Mount Uniacke | 1867 | 1941 | 27737.00 | |
Eastern Shore | Tangier | 1862 | 1919 | 26286.50 | |
Eastern Shore | Moose River | 1888 | 1939 | 25917.20 | Production before 1888 included with Caribou |
Stormont | Forest Hill | 1895 | 1957 | 25102.40 | |
Eastern Shore | Fifteen Mile Stream | 1878 | 1941 | 21291.60 | |
Central | South Uniacke | 1888 | 1948 | 20762.10 | |
Central | Lake Catcha | 1887 | 1961 | 17961.50 | |
Cape Breton | Stirling | 1936 | 1956 | 16681.10 | |
South Shore | Leipsigate (Millipsigate) | 1884 | 1946 | 13563.20 | |
Central | East Rawdon | 1884 | 1932 | 13501.00 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Whiteburn | 1887 | 1955 | 11906.70 | |
Stormont | Country Harbour | 1871 | 1951 | 9959.70 | |
Eastern Shore | Harrigan Cove | 1874 | 1961 | 8071.30 | |
South Shore | Gold River | 1889 | 1940 | 7610.40 | |
Central | West Gore | 1905 | 1939 | 7148.80 | |
Central | Central Rawdon | 1888 | 1939 | 6920.50 | |
Central | Chezzetcook | 1883 | 1944 | 5528.10 | |
Eastern Shore | Mooseland | 1863 | 1934 | 3865.10 | 1860, First Discovery in Nova Scotia |
South Shore | Blockhouse | 1896 | 1938 | 3588.50 | |
Eastern Shore | Killag | 1889 | 1951 | 3583.60 | |
Yarmouth | Kemptvllle | 1885 | 1939 | 2487.90 | |
Central | Gays River | 1870 | 1968 | 2268.20 | |
Stormont | Cochrane Hill | 1877 | 1982 | 2081.30 | |
Cape Breton | Wagmatacook (Middle River) | 1864 | 1943 | 1729.40 | |
Central | Cow Bay | 1896 | 1937 | 1483.50 | |
Eastern Shore | Ecum Secum | 1893 | 1935 | 1300.00 | |
Eastern Shore | Beaver Dam | 1889 | 1949 | 966.7 | |
South Shore | Mill Village | 1901 | 1951 | 909.8 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Fifteen Mile Brook | 1902 | 1934 | 880.6 | |
Central | Lawrencetown | 1862 | 1912 | 866.7 | |
South Shore | The Ovens | 1862 | 1958 | 550.4 | |
Eastern Shore | Miller Lake | 1902 | 1951 | 538.8 | |
Eastern Shore | Moosehead | 1899 | 1935 | 431.1 | |
Yarmouth | Cranberry Head | 1870 | 1900 | 249.3 | |
Yarmouth | Carleton | 1879 | 1940 | 190.2 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Pleasant River Barrens | 1890 | 1913 | 111.8 | |
Eastern Shore | Lake Charlotte | 1938 | 1964 | 77.5 | |
Eastern Shore | Clam Harbour | 1904 | 53.9 | ||
Eastern Shore | Little Liscomb Lake | 1893 | 1935 | 51.9 | |
Eastern Shore | Upper Stewiacke | 1906 | 1907 | 43.9 | |
South Shore | Voglers Cove | 1905 | 43.4 | ||
Eastern Shore | Gold Lake | 1890 | 1899 | 38.6 | |
Central | McKay Settlement | 1904 | 1910 | 13.5 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Stanburn | 1933 | 1936 | 12.7 | |
Eastern Shore | Ship Harbour | 1935 | 1937 | 7.4 | |
Central | Ardolse | 1890 | 1904 | 6.8 | |
Eastern Shore | Sheet Harbour | 1898 | 1935 | 3.9 | |
Stormont | Caledonia | 1934 | 1956 | 3.6 | |
Eastern Shore | Lochaber | 1883 | 2.3 | ||
Kejlmkujlk | West Caledonia | 1925 | 1.7 | ||
Central | Elmsdale | 1890 | 1.4 | ||
Eastern Shore | Quoddy | 1906 | 1 |
Region | District | Production Start | Production Finish | Production | Comment |
Yarmouth | Carleton | 1879 | 1940 | 190.2 | |
Yarmouth | Cranberry Head | 1870 | 1900 | 249.3 | |
Yarmouth | Kemptvllle | 1885 | 1939 | 2487.90 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Brookfield | 1887 | 1936 | 43147.50 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Fifteen Mile Brook | 1902 | 1934 | 880.6 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Molega (Malaga) | 1888 | 1950 | 33460.20 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Pleasant River Barrens | 1890 | 1913 | 111.8 | |
Kejlmkujlk | Stanburn | 1933 | 1936 | 12.7 | |
Kejlmkujlk | West Caledonia | 1925 | 1.7 | ||
Kejlmkujlk | Whiteburn | 1887 | 1955 | 11906.70 | |
South Shore | Blockhouse | 1896 | 1938 | 3588.50 | |
South Shore | Gold River | 1889 | 1940 | 7610.40 | |
South Shore | Leipsigate (Millipsigate) | 1884 | 1946 | 13563.20 | |
South Shore | Mill Village | 1901 | 1951 | 909.8 | |
South Shore | The Ovens | 1862 | 1958 | 550.4 | |
South Shore | Voglers Cove | 1905 | 43.4 | ||
Central | Ardolse | 1890 | 1904 | 6.8 | |
Central | Central Rawdon | 1888 | 1939 | 6920.50 | |
Central | Chezzetcook | 1883 | 1944 | 5528.10 | |
Central | Cow Bay | 1896 | 1937 | 1483.50 | |
Central | East Rawdon | 1884 | 1932 | 13501.00 | |
Central | Elmsdale | 1890 | 1.4 | ||
Central | Gays River | 1870 | 1968 | 2268.20 | |
Central | Lake Catcha | 1887 | 1961 | 17961.50 | |
Central | Lawrencetown | 1862 | 1912 | 866.7 | |
Central | McKay Settlement | 1904 | 1910 | 13.5 | |
Central | Montague | 1863 | 1940 | 65196.90 | |
Central | Mount Uniacke | 1867 | 1941 | 27737.00 | |
Central | Oldham | 1862 | 1946 | 85177.50 | |
Central | Renfrew | 1862 | 1958 | 51595.50 | |
Central | South Uniacke | 1888 | 1948 | 20762.10 | |
Central | Waverley | 1862 | 1940 | 72566.60 | |
Central | West Gore | 1905 | 1939 | 7148.80 | |
Eastern Shore | Beaver Dam | 1889 | 1949 | 966.7 | |
Eastern Shore | Caribou | 1869 | 1968 | 91335.80 | |
Eastern Shore | Clam Harbour | 1904 | 53.9 | ||
Eastern Shore | Ecum Secum | 1893 | 1935 | 1300.00 | |
Eastern Shore | Fifteen Mile Stream | 1878 | 1941 | 21291.60 | |
Eastern Shore | Gold Lake | 1890 | 1899 | 38.6 | |
Eastern Shore | Harrigan Cove | 1874 | 1961 | 8071.30 | |
Eastern Shore | Killag | 1889 | 1951 | 3583.60 | |
Eastern Shore | Lake Charlotte | 1938 | 1964 | 77.5 | |
Eastern Shore | Little Liscomb Lake | 1893 | 1935 | 51.9 | |
Eastern Shore | Lochaber | 1883 | 2.3 | ||
Eastern Shore | Miller Lake | 1902 | 1951 | 538.8 | |
Eastern Shore | Moosehead | 1899 | 1935 | 431.1 | |
Eastern Shore | Mooseland | 1863 | 1934 | 3865.10 | 1860, First Discovery in Nova Scotia |
Eastern Shore | Moose River | 1888 | 1939 | 25917.20 | Production before 1888 included with Caribou |
Eastern Shore | Quoddy | 1906 | 1 | ||
Eastern Shore | Salmon River (Darrs Hill) | 1881 | 1939 | 41805.40 | |
Eastern Shore | Sheet Harbour | 1898 | 1935 | 3.9 | |
Eastern Shore | Ship Harbour | 1935 | 1937 | 7.4 | |
Eastern Shore | Tangier | 1862 | 1919 | 26286.50 | |
Eastern Shore | Upper Stewiacke | 1906 | 1907 | 43.9 | |
Stormont | Caledonia | 1934 | 1956 | 3.6 | |
Stormont | Cochrane Hill | 1877 | 1982 | 2081.30 | |
Stormont | Country Harbour | 1871 | 1951 | 9959.70 | |
Stormont | Forest Hill | 1895 | 1957 | 25102.40 | |
Stormont | Goldenville (Sherbrooke) | 1862 | 1941 | 209383.30 | |
Stormont | Isaacs Harbour | 1862 | 1958 | 39694.30 | |
Stormont | Lower Seal Harbour | 1894 | 1949 | 34188.20 | |
Stormont | Upper Seal Harbour | 1893 | 1958 | 57845.70 | |
Stormont | Wine Harbour | 1862 | 1939 | 42346.50 | |
Cape Breton | Wagmatacook (Middle River) | 1864 | 1943 | 1729.40 | |
Cape Breton | Stirling | 1936 | 1956 | 16681.10 |